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VAM Cataloging system for Morgan & Peace dollar Varieties double mike 2011-02-10
V Mintmark for the cities of: Troyes (French coins), Valencia (Spanish coins). EgCollector 2011-06-09
V-nickel Common name for the Liberty Head five-cent coins struck from 1883 through 1912. (The 1913 was struck clandestinely and is not listed in Mint reports.) EgCollector 2011-06-09
VAM number Unique number assigned to each die combination of Morgan and Peace dollar known to the authors of The Complete Catalog and Encyclopedia of United States Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars. Called VAM because of the authors Leroy Van Allen and A. George Mallis. EgCollector 2011-06-09
Van The Vietnamese term for Chinese cash style copper coins. The last cash coins in the world were van made in Vietnam in 1946. EgCollector 2011-06-09
Van Allen-Mallis The Morgan and Peace dollar variety book authors. First published in 1971, it was updated and reprinted in 1998. EgCollector 2011-06-09
variety A coin of the same date and basic design as another but with slight differences. PCGS recognizes all major varieties while there are thousands of minor varieties, most of which have significance only to specialists of the particular series. After hubbed dies, introduced in the 1840s, varieties are mainly variations in date and mintmark size and placement. EgCollector 2011-06-09
Vatu The currency unit of Vanuatu, the only truly unitary currency system in the world. The vatu has no theoretical or historic fractions or multiples, though locals often call 100 vatu a "tala" or dollar. EgCollector 2011-06-09
VDB Short for 1909 VDB Lincoln Head cent. Controversy arose over having a non-Mint engraver's initials on a coin, so Victor D. Brenner's initials were removed. VDB EgCollector 2011-06-09
verdigris A green or greenish-blue pigment resulting from the action of acetic acid on copper and consisting of one or more basic copper acetates. EgCollector 2011-06-09
verifier The grader at PCGS who looks at graded coins and decides whether the indicated grade is correct. He may tag a coin to be looked at again by the graders. EgCollector 2011-06-09
Very Fine The term corresponding to the grades VF-20, 25, 30, and 35. This has the broadest range of any circulated grade, with nearly full detail on some VF-35 coins and less than half on some VF-20 specimens. EgCollector 2011-06-09
Very Good The term corresponding to the grades VG-8 and VG-10. In these grades, between Good and Fine, a coin has slightly more detail than in Good, usually with full rims except on certain series such as Buffalo nickels. EgCollector 2011-06-09
vest pocket dealer A part-time coin merchant. The term originated with those individuals who roamed the bourse floor ready to whip out of their vests a small plastic coin binder containing coins in two-by-two cardboard holders. Today, not one-in-a-thousand individuals wears a vest, but the moniker stuck. EgCollector 2011-06-09
Victoriatus Ancient Roman silver coin of the early Republic, equal to a Greek drachm. It was replaced by the denarius in 170 BC. So named because of the figure of Victory on the reverse. EgCollector 2011-06-09
VF-20 This is for "Very Fine" (the grade) and "20" (the numerical designation of the grade). Wing feathers show most of their detail, lettering is readable but sometimes indistinct and some minor detail is sometimes separate but usually blended. VF-20 EgCollector 2011-06-09
VF-25 This is for "Very Fine" (the grade) and "25" (the numerical designation of the grade). In this grade about 60% of the original detail is evident, with the major devices being clear and distinct. VF-25 EgCollector 2011-06-09
VF-30 This is for "Very Fine" (the grade) and "30" (the numerical designation of the grade). The devices are sharp with only a small amount of blending. Up to 75% of the original detail is evident. VF-30 EgCollector 2011-06-09
VF-35 This is for "Very Fine" (the grade) and "35" (the numerical designation of the grade). This grade used to be called VF/EF (or VF/XF) before numerical grading was accepted throughout the hobby. Devices are sharp and clear and up to 80% of the detail is in evidence. VF-35 EgCollector 2011-06-09
VG-10 This is for "Very Good" (the grade) and "10" (the numerical designation of the grade). A higher grade (less worn) than the VG-8 coin. Design detail is still heavily worn but the major devices and lettering are clear. VG-10 EgCollector 2011-06-09
VG-8 This is for "Very Good" (the grade) and "8" (the numerical designation of the grade). A slight amount of design detail is still showing on the coin, such as a couple of letters in the word LIBERTY. VG-8 EgCollector 2011-06-09

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