Join Build the Largest Coin Database & Price Guide Ever!

Hi there!

Become a coinbragger and help make this site more awesome!

I hate looking through a coin catalog only to find no picture or data for the coin I'm looking for. With there is no limits to the number of coins on this site. The goal is to have every coin and every variation of those coins.

You can become a bragger at for FREE! Sign up is quick and easy.

**PRIVACY POLICY: Simple. I won't give out your e-mail address or private information. Not even if someone offered me $10 for it. I have no plans to spam anyone's e-mail box with special offers. If I want to communicate with you I will put it on the website. In the last 3 years I've sent ZERO e-mails to braggers! It is not that I want to ignore you, I just hate spam and don't want to add to your own.**

Benefits of being a bragger:

You can add new coins to the coin database.

You can add pictures of coins as well as pricing to the coin database.

You can write messages in the forum.

You can enter the CoinBrag contests and win stuff.

Best of all you get to brag! Show off your coins. Brag about your awesome deals.

Reasons not to join:

1. You are already a bragger! You can have more than one account but why would you want to? :P
2. You are from another galaxy (sorry but at this time only residents of the Milky Way galaxy are able to join