Monday 19 January 2009
Jan 19

Coin of the Month January 2009 Coin of the Month January 2009
Continent: Europe
Country: Switzerland
Denomination: 5 Franc
Year: 1933
Switzerland is one of the oldest countries in Europe. Famous for army knives, neutrality and banking among other things. It has been stated that a third of the world's "offshore" funds are held in Swiss bank accounts. With a modern, stable economy and a long history of banking confidentiality, it's no wonder so many people around the world keep their savings in Switzerland. It should come as no surprise that a Swiss coin would be a coin of the month.

The 5 Franc coin's obverse reads, "Confoederatio Helvetica" as do many of the coins minted in Switzerland over the last 150 years. Confoederatio Helvetica is the Latin name for Switzerland based on the Helvetii, a Celtic tribe that first inhabited the region 2400 years ago. William Tell is on the obverse, one of Switzerland's most revered heroes who lived during the 14th Century and is probably most well known for shooting an apple on the top of his son's head with an arrow. The reverse has the coat of arms with branches on both sides. The "B" mint mark symbolizes Bern which has been the main mint since the 1850s.
Pricing and Coin Info
[Submitted by Nicholas]

written by Nicholas

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Current Coins in Circulation Among the Republic of India
Monday 15 April 2013 - 14:56:14

Here's a fairly large article covering India's modern coins. Starting with the fading 50 paise coins to the 10 rupee.