Friday 02 August 2013
Aug 02
Fox 31 in Denver recently took a chance after seeing the Word Reserve Money Exchange's advertisement offering free silver coins along with purchase of overflowing bags of rare coins. The bags cost $138 and the bag they received had about $40 worth of coins according to the coin dealer they spoke with. You can read the article and watch the 2.5 minute video here: Fox 31 News Story. I notice the World Reserve's website is not ranked very high (much lower than CoinBrag) which means they must not get much traffic. I also couldn't find an ad for these bags on their site.

So have any of you purchased lots from places like this? How did you fare?

I hope I don't seem like a hypocrite posting about fraud in mystery coin bag sales when I sell grab bags of coins. I like to think I'm a bit different though. I don't promise riches or instant wealth. My bags are cool because if you're interested in coins from many countries there's some good variety in them which to me is the greatest value of all. Of course I do buy coins worth more than the bags cost and I put them in bags but those are rare and the expense is covered by increase overall sales. I like to think of them more as "icing on the cake" than promises of riches.

Special thanks to Coinbragger Double Mike for bringing this story to my attention!

written by Nicholas

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Current Coins in Circulation Among the Republic of India
Monday 15 April 2013 - 14:56:14

Here's a fairly large article covering India's modern coins. Starting with the fading 50 paise coins to the 10 rupee.