Jun 05
Some of you may have noticed that a week ago I added coin blogs from About.com to the Coinbrag website. They are on the bottom right part of the website under "Headlines."

Susan Headley writes the articles for About.com and I think she has some interesting topics. One was regarding the ethics of buying. You can read the original article here: Coin Dealer Ethics - Out-Of-Date Prices. I felt compelled to comment, so I did.

What was really cool is that yesterday, Susan wrote a follow up article and even pointed out my comments in her article. I commented under the name "Coin Database." You can check that out here: Coin Dealer Ethics Follow-Up: Out-of-Date Prices.

If you haven't checked out About.com before, you should. I first started visiting About.com about 10 years ago. They have grown a lot. I don't get paid anything for suggesting them to you. You may like what you see.
[Submitted by Nicholas]

written by Nicholas


azanbbs Says:

I like Susan's articles but she's not posting as much as she used to and many posts are recycled.

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