Jan 16
I have to manually update the table myself so it had been 11 months since I updated it. The currency conversion table is now current to January 16.

I've also adjusted the coin glossary so the spam bots won't be able to do any damage, hopefully.

written by Nicholas


KSP Says:

Gosh, you've been busy. I may have missed the boat when brain cells were alloted, but how come there is a lot of defunct Eurozone currencies? What am I missin' here?

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Nicholas Says:

A lot of the currency exchange sites still keep those old currencies up for reference. The problem with that chart is it looks like it's leaving the names of the old currencies but using the conversion value for the Euro. For instance 1 USD is worth 4.80 French Francs, yet the value shows 1USD = 1.33 FRF.

That's annoying. I'll have to see what I can do to adjust that.

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Thanks, even if it's not up to date I still have a general idea of what the conversion rates are.

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