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Privacy Policy
Moderators: Nicholas
Author Post
Sun Nov 02 2014, 02:24am
Deus Ex Machina

Registered Member #1
Joined: Sun Jul 01 2007, 10:10pm
City, State:: Ocala, Florida
Posts: 559
I feel like this is a good spot for our privacy policy. turned 8 years old last week. I've had registered users for that long as well and in that time I've never sold a single e-mail address. I've never sent anyone any e-mails (aside from the e-mail confirming you joined the website that is sent automatically).

So without copy/pasting some other website's legalese(lawyer speak) for a policy I'll just put it in writing here. In 8 years I've never bothered anyone via e-mail and I don't plan to. I might be able to get a few bucks for selling your email address to spammers--but it isn't worth betraying your trust (well unless they offered me like $1,000,000 per address, but then we can split that money after taxes!). So I won't be sharing your e-mail address with anyone.

So yes, your information will remain secret. I also don't use any sort of cookies to gather additional information. I think we used to have a script that collected information like what size monitor you had, what operating system you used (no joke 1 guy actually used windows 3.1!) and maybe your web browser. That could have been handy if I was using poor coding that couldn't display on your computer properly. But I think that script stopped working a few years ago and before I try to fix that I'll be making this site more useful for collectors.

So your life here stays as private as you like. I also use some pretty secure passwords and database table names, I wouldn't say they are uncrackable but I'd say they are more than adequate for a site of our site(this is not a challenge to hackers lol). In 8 years we've yet to have anything compromised.
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